Finish Your Book Coaching Program
Claim your “Life-Changing Book” Breakthrough Session!
THE NEXT PROGRAM WILL BEGIN ON A DATE TO BE ANNOUNCED. THE CALENDAR WILL OPEN ABOUT A MONTH PRIOR TO THE START DATE FOR YOUR LIFE-CHANGING BOOK BREAKTHROUGH SESSION! If you want to write a self-help / how-to / teaching book in 2020, let’s talk! We’ll meet via Zoom video conference (or phone if you prefer) and talk about your book-writing dreams and the book you feel called to write. Then, I’ll share how I can help you fulfill your dream in my 6-month Finish Your Book Group Coaching Program, and we’ll discuss if you’re a good fit for the program (and vice versa). No obligation!
CLAIM YOUR LIFE-CHANGING BOOK BREAKTHROUGH SESSION SOON! These appointments are limited during the month before the program begins, so you’ll want to get on the calendar as soon as it opens up. Sign up now to get on my mailing list so that you’ll be the first to know when the next program will begin.
Watch this testimonial from a Finish Your Book program graduate!
- Do you want to get your wisdom into book form so that you can change the lives of your readers?
- Have you always wanted to write a self-help / how-to / teaching book but aren’t sure how to start?
- Have you started a book but lost motivation along the way?
- Have you tried to write but felt isolated and like you didn’t know what you were doing?
- Have you tried to write but couldn’t finish without someone to keep you accountable?
- Do you want to write a book but aren’t sure how to make it excellent and truly life-changing for others?
- Do you want to use a book as a marketing tool to build your business or practice?
- Will the book you want to write directly teach the reader something, whether about psychology, spirituality, business, fitness, nutrition, or some other topic?
If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, you’re in the right place.
Melanie Votaw’s Finish Your Book Group Coaching Program will alleviate all of those issues and help you realize the dream of a completed self-help book that can change the lives of your readers!
The next program date is TBA.
During the 6-Month FINISH YOUR BOOK COACHING PROGRAM, you will receive:
- One-on-one coaching to ensure that your self-help / teaching book’s concept and outline are sound;
- Guidance as you write your book so that you feel that you know what you’re doing;
- Continuous motivation and accountability so that you stick to a schedule and finish your book;
- A community so that you no longer feel isolated as you write;
- An opportunity to ask questions of a long-time publishing industry professional; and
- The confidence to finally finish your book in 6 months and get it out into the world!
SO MUCH MORE THAN AN ONLINE COURSE! You don’t just get information to read and then have to figure it all out by yourself. The Finish Your Book Coaching Program is much more robust and interactive than that!
Here’s what you get:
Private Coaching Sessions
Ten (10) 30-minute Private Coaching Sessions with Melanie Votaw via phone to be used at your discretion. (Audio recordings will be made available to you.) Melanie will also provide written comments on your book’s outline, introduction, and first chapter to make sure you’re on the right track.
Group Video Trainings
Ten (10) or more 1-2-hour Group Training Sessions on Zoom video with Melanie Votaw, as well as occasional industry expert guest speakers. You will also receive access to videos of all Group Trainings to refer to them again or catch up on any you missed.
Library of Written Guides
Access to a library of more than 35 downloadable training guides to assist with the various aspects of writing and publishing a self-help book, such as how to write an outline, anatomy of an introduction, what pronouns to use, how to create exercises, and how to market your book, just to name a few.
Private Facebook Group
Access to a private Facebook group, where you can ask questions of Melanie Votaw directly, receive regular motivation and accountability, and interact with other participants.
Motivation & Accountability
You will receive regular motivational messages to keep you fired up, deadlines to keep you accountable, and surprises/prizes along the way!
Resources for Publishing
Access to a downloadable list of resources to help you build your platform, hire an editor and cover designer, publish your book, and launch/market your book after you’ve finished with the writing.
Hi, I’m Melanie Votaw. I’m an author, ghostwriter, editor, and book coach who has written 40 non-fiction books published by such houses as Hay House, Macmillan, Hyperion, Little Brown, New World Library, and Perseus, to name a few. I regularly work directly with publishers and literary agents, and I have worked with some of the biggest names in self-help books.
I have also ghostwritten and edited numerous book proposals that have sold to top publishers, and I have developmentally edited more than 75 books that have won 50+ international book awards.
As a book coach, I love helping authors from concept to completion to make sure their books are the best they can be.
Melanie Votaw (right) with Hay House author Nancy Levin

What will a self-help / how-to / teaching book do for you?
It will allow you to change people’s lives as you share your wisdom and your story.
It will establish you as an expert in your field.
It will help you build your business or practice.
It will be a fulfilling experience that will fill you with a strong sense of accomplishment.
Work one-on-one with Melanie Votaw to make sure the concept, “hook,” and working title for your book are sound. Use Melanie’s “Build Your Outline” method to easily create your outline, and receive specific feedback from Melanie to ensure that your outline is ready to go. In your first group training call and written guides that you will receive, learn “Melanie’s Self-Help Book Structure Method.” Learn the structure of a great Introduction and Chapter 1. Discover how to start a book so that the reader wants to keep reading! Create an editorial schedule to keep you on track to finish your book in 6 months. Introduce yourself in our private Facebook group, and choose a “buddy” within the group, if you choose.
With renewed confidence, work on writing your Introduction and Chapter 1. Learn about the best practices for the structure of internal chapters, and move on to Chapter 2 if you’re ready. Enjoy group training calls, Facebook Live Q&As, and private coaching sessions with Melanie, if you choose. Ask questions of Melanie and other participants at any time in our private Facebook group. (If you start the group in month #2, you will work on the components of month #1.)
Work on your internal chapters with regular group training calls, private coaching sessions with Melanie at your discretion, and Facebook Live Q&As. Ask questions of Melanie and other participants at any time in our private Facebook group, and enjoy regular motivational text messages from Melanie, as well as contests and prizes. You might even experience enlightening Q&As with surprise guests during group training calls (depending on availability). Learn about how to build a platform and how to market your book when it’s finished. Receive written guides with resources for publishing your book. Stay in touch with the group regularly for camaraderie, feedback, accountability, and pep talks.
In this final month of the program, you’ll learn the best way to finish a book so that readers feel satisfied with the ending. Learn about a book’s “front matter” and “back matter,” as well as copyright and disclaimer issues. Discover tips for editing your own work and how to choose an editor to help you fine-tune your writing and make sure errors are found. Enjoy your final group training calls, Facebook Live Q&As, and private coaching sessions, as well as time in your Facebook group. You’ll also receive a set of resources to help you hire an editor, publish your book, and launch/market it out into the world!
Why do you still need an editor after the program?
Everyone needs an editor – another pair of eyes to catch mistakes that you won’t see after reading your work so many times. This program is designed to make sure that you present the best possible manuscript to your editor. The better the quality of the book you give your editor, the better quality you’ll receive back.
HERE’S THE HARSH TRUTH: So many people present poor manuscripts to their editors, and one of two things happens: (1) They have to pay the editor a lot of money to completely rewrite the book so that it comes back no longer looking like their own work; or (2) they can’t pay the editor enough to overhaul the book, so the editor does what they can to make it a little better. But it’s a bit like putting lipstick on a pig, to be frank, and the edit still doesn’t make the book good enough to compete with traditionally published books on the market or garner good reviews on Amazon and elsewhere.
Writing your book in the FINISH YOUR BOOK COACHING PROGRAM will help to ensure that you give your editor a professional-quality product so that what you receive back will be that much better. The editing process is likely to cost you less and look more like your work when it’s returned to you. Your book will then be able to do what you want it to do – entice readers to buy, attract fans, and (most important of all) change lives.
“I hired Melanie to help me finish my Hay House book because of her depth of knowledge in the publishing industry, her vast experience understanding how to put together a bestselling book, AND her ability to help me feel calm and confident through the entire process. I recommend her without hesitation!”
~ Sage Lavine, author of the Hay House book, Women Rocking Business
“Accessible and accommodating, Melanie’s industry insight and experience make her an exceptional writer and coach for her clients. Melanie writes and supports her clients from the heart.”
~ Vicki Wilbur Murphy, Intuitive Business Coach
“Melanie Votaw’s experience and devotion to the crafts of writing, editing, and publishing bring my heart and voice alive on the page with grace, depth, precision, and radiance. I am grateful to have her by my side for each of my books and wouldn’t want to write one without her.”
~ Nancy Levin, author of Hay House books Jump and Your Life Will Appear, Worthy, and The New Relationship Blueprint
“I really appreciate all the information and resources Melanie shares. Her expertise is invaluable. Before I met her, I didn’t have any direction with my writing. Because of her mentoring, I am confident that I will be a published author!”
~ Georgette Georgiadis, author
“Melanie is warm, friendly, talented, accessible, and quick-minded. She is so well-versed in the publishing industry that she’s able to easily convey ideas and offer suggestions. Oh, and here’s the other thing she offered besides all her nuts-n-bolts expertise: she gave me tons of support! That meant so much to me as I was in the writing process. I would definitely work with Melanie again!”
~ Sherry Richert Belul, celebration book artist, author, and awareness coach
“Melanie is a super loving woman. She can see your divine gifts. She is authentic, committed to serving, and talented. If you want to finish your book with a system that is proven, Melanie is your girl.”
~ Georgia Saler Histon, RDN
“Melanie is a total pro and a pleasure to work with. My clients have truly benefitted from and enjoyed collaborating with Melanie on book proposals and books that sell.”
~ Wendy Sherman, Wendy Sherman Associates, Inc. Literary Management
“Melanie Votaw is fantastic to work with. She gives her clients personal attention, she’s a total professional, and she knows her stuff. I highly recommend her. Her feedback was knowledgeable and valuable. On the personal side, she is warm and caring and smart.”
~ Dorri Olds, professional writer
“There are not many things in this world that are all they are cracked up to be. You, Melanie, are all you are cracked up to be and more.”
~ David King, book author and personal trainer
“Melanie has been incredible to work with. She has such depth of knowledge when it comes to wellness and mindfulness that I felt as though she understood me, my story, and my method of teaching… I can’t recommend her enough!”
~ Erin Stutland, author of the Hay House book, Mantras in Motion
If you want to write a BOOK PROPOSAL to try to get a traditional publishing contract, please visit the 4-month Finish Your Book Proposal Coaching Program page, which is appropriate for authors of memoir and biography, as well as self-help / how-to / teaching books. The next proposal program will be scheduled at a later date.
CLAIM YOUR 30-MINUTE ‘LIFE-CHANGING BOOK’ BREAKTHROUGH SESSION SOON! Appointments will be available in the month prior to the start date of the next program – date to be announced.
We’ll meet via Zoom video conference (or phone if you prefer) and talk about your book-writing dreams and the book you feel called to write. Then, I’ll share how I can help you fulfill your dream of finishing a book in 2020 in my 6-month Finish Your Book Group Coaching Program, and we’ll discuss if you’re a good fit for the program and vice versa. No obligation! (These sessions are only for self-help / how-to authors. Thanks for your understanding. If you’d like to book a one-time coaching session, please visit the Coaching page.) I look forward to talking with you!
Most programs of this kind cost $15,000 and up. The FINISH YOUR BOOK GROUP COACHING PROGRAM is just $497 per month for six months ($2,982 total)! And there are discounts we can discuss when we talk. This is a fraction of the cost of a ghostwriter (which is a 5-figure proposition if you hire a professional). I wanted to keep it as economical as possible in order to help as many writers as I can to get their message out in the world.
Contact Us
If you have any additional questions, please send a message below and we’ll be glad to assist you.