by Melanie Votaw | Information, Publishing, Writing
Last year, I met an author who had written her entire book without feedback from anyone in the industry. When she finally presented it to a professional, they broke it to her that her book’s structure wasn’t working. They sent her to me for help, but she was...
by Melanie Votaw | Information, Publishing, Writing
Unfortunately, there are numerous scams out there to part unsuspecting aspiring book authors from their money. Avoid becoming a victim by paying attention to these tips. Random Praise. If a publisher or purported literary agent contacts you out of the blue to praise...
by Melanie Votaw | Publishing, Writing
Have you thought about writing a book that shares your wisdom with others, but you aren’t sure you should? Maybe you worry it isn’t the right time… or you fear what you have to say isn’t “good” enough or “important” enough. You might even have naysayers in your life...
by Melanie Votaw | Publishing, Writing
As a professional book coach, ghostwriter, and editor, I talk with self-published authors weekly who complain about low sales. But there are very specific reasons why most self-published books fail to sell. Authors need to do more than just write a book and put it out...
by Melanie Votaw | Publishing, Writing
I speak with aspiring authors almost daily, so I’ve heard numerous misconceptions about how the book business works. These misconceptions cause authors time, money, and aggravation. Here are the 12 wrong assumptions I hear most often: Now that self-publishing is so...